December Day of Meditation for the World: equanimity

Saturday, Dec. 5 from 8 am-3 pm MT, we will meditate for the world and humanity. The sub-theme will be a meditative exploration of equanimity.

What is equanimity? It is more than justice or fairness in that the criteria used for both are subjective and change as values change in the human mind. Equanimity includes all of the three previous monthly focuses, the Immeasurable qualities of loving kindness, compassion, and joyful effort applied to benefit beings. Equanimity stands on the ground of emptiness and its wisdom, thus equanimity is –in some ways– the most elusive of the Four Boundless Qualities, even though all of them are within all beings waiting to express and flourish.

We will use the meditation link used normally for Tues, Thurs, Saturday meditations.

Schedule is as usual:

  • 8 am MT: Set the focus, meditate.

  • 9 am MT: A visual presentation on equanimity
  • 10 am MT: Directed outside contemplation/meditation

  • 11:00: Meditation
Noon: Lunch for 1 hour.
  • 1 pm MT: discussion, Q&A
  • 1:30 MT: Meditation

  • 2 pm MT: short presentation
  • 2:20 MT: closing meditation

Everyone is welcome. Spread the word and share this post with the link to enter plus the day’s schedule. We will continue to offer a Day of Meditation each month for the foreseeable future.

Participants can come and go: come for part of the day or the whole. Please come during the schedule, since I have to admit you. Click in when my eyes are open since I tend to meditate with my eyes closed. Thanks.


About Donna Mitchell-Moniak

Visit for additional meditations and blog posts.
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1 Response to December Day of Meditation for the World: equanimity

  1. Pingback: Meditation: amazing, but nothing new | Blazing Light, Love's Song

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