Direct experience: theme for 3-day online retreat

Six of us recently got together for seven days of meditation in person. Most significant for everyone was the direct experience of qualities of innate awareness. Such qualities are limitless and include every facet of compassion-empathy-embrace and of wisdom-emptiness-clarity-radiance. Vast and profound while immediate and ordinary, your essential nature, pristine awareness-compassion, is directly experience-able.

Those who regularly share the online meditation practice with me, those with whom residential retreat has been shared, and sometimes on the monthly Day of Meditation for the World, a direct experience of the vast expanse or absorptive awareness arises unfiltered. Let’s provide opportunity for this.

Three days, Friday-Sunday, June 25-27, here online, we will be supported with pith instructions from great realized beings and open to direct experience of innate intrinsic Being.

The schedule is the same used for all our online Days of Meditation and Retreats. Here’s the link to join. If you can only “come” for part of the retreat, attend the front end (Fri/Sat). And if partial days is your availability, then attending the first half of any day is better than the second half of any day because the second half/after lunch is always built upon the first half of the day.

Here is the link to enter.


  • 8 am MT: Set the focus, meditate.
  • 9 am MT: A visual presentation on equanimity
  • 10 am MT: Directed outside contemplation/meditation
  • 11:00: Meditation
  • Noon: Lunch for 1 hour.
  • 1 pm MT: discussion, Q&A
  • 1:30 MT: Meditation
  • 2 pm MT: short presentation
  • 2:20 MT: closing meditation

About Donna Mitchell-Moniak

Visit for additional meditations and blog posts.
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