Perfect 2: flawless

Perfect; definition: flawless

I take refuge in the flawlessness of the Path. Not is some give in, give up, “Uncle” kind of way but in the understanding of how flawless the human experience is. I bow to its supreme wisdom, its always precision, its compassionate embrace.

All beings are my being, we are shared oneness. Therefore, there is no other to blame, misunderstand, want anything from, or to hold in any way separate. All beings are my being.

Shared oneness is the result, the Way, the only possible option in any situation. It is the encouragement to open one’s heart, to open one’s eyes to the inner eye, and to delight in one’s sensibilities. We feel, thus may we feel deeply. We can see the world around us, thus may we act with wide view. We are compassion incarnate, thus may we live as such. Shared oneness is the echo of the song of incarnation calling to the zombie presence that we call our self.

I take refuge in the kindness shown and given to me because that is kindness given to those who have given. They have given it to themselves by giving to me, as I have given to myself with every giving to them. We are shared oneness.

This is the Path, flawless, perfect in every way. There are no exceptions. The Path does not sometimes give us what we have earned and other times not. It always does. If we have earned the necessity to learn generosity, then life will offer that opportunity through perceived poverty or through taken-for-granted abundance. If we have earned the need to experience the sorrow that most of the world lives, then we will, and that will be a good thing, diamond perfect. If we have set the wheel of virtue in motion, then the wheel rolls on, and the groove that we follow is that of virtue. It will be given ample opportunity.

There is no one to blame, and if there is shame that is a simple error of perception. Perceiving self and other, we will see incorrectly. Therefore it is unwanted to perceive the perfection of each moment as the only moment possible in our now. Shared oneness, as hand is part of body, makes clear our shared now.

I take refuge in the flawless, unmistaken, always perfect law, and smile.