The planets as used in esoteric astrology

Venus is wisdom, Mars is that which accomplishes the goals of the spiritual Path, and Saturn comprises the illuminations necessary so that non-deception within our self  prevails. These higher meanings are only a few given to the planets in esoteric astrology. Learning them and how to use them is the subject of my next six-week online course: The Planets as Esoteric Rulers and what the reveal in your chart. With the addition of the layering of the esoteric rulers in the interpretation of one’s chart, one empowers oneself to advance from meaning to purpose and to take one’s life is the Spiritual Path.

The primary challenge with the esoteric astrological information is how to avoid aggrandizement and glamour when interpreting one’s chart. As such, we will learn how to hold our foibles in constant relation to the attributes of the higher self. This provides the context for self-illumination, truth, and growth. Accordingly then, esoteric astrology can direct one on one’s Path, while simultaneously pointing out that which still requires transformation.

The now-completed six-week course, Introduction to Astrology, taught the students how to know themselves without sugar-coating or denial, and equally to stand joyously within the acumen and skills that are present. A traditional interpretation of one’s chart provides objectification of what we have brought with us from previous incarnations. It also reports how we present to the world and interact with those around us. A traditional interpretation, then, provides self-discovered honesty as one learns astrology through one’s chart. This becomes an excellent substructure upon which the esoteric rulers and their meaning can be added.

Comments from the students speak of the value they received from the course.

  • “Because of this astrology class, I’ve begun to appreciate how profoundly Saturn in 1st house impacts me.” CS
  • “Understanding more about Jupiter in the 7th house has certainly helped me to understand some of the choices I have made in my life.” MD
  • “Reflecting on all of this as this as it relates to my chart, I can see the tug-the-war.  I know that these excellent teachers are available but it is up to me to bring in the higher understandings and see it for what it represents, which is a wonderful opportunity for growth and service. ” LE
  • “I’m getting so much out of this!! Many thanks for your wonderful teaching.” CF

The Esoteric Rulers course begins on Monday, April 16 and completes on May 21.

  • Live participation online is at 8 pm ET. But, the excellence of an online course is that all sessions are video recorded and sent to the students for review as well as inability to attend live.
  • Tuition: $90 Register.
  • Required text: Astrology Illumined, Revealing the Soul through Astrology
    If you need the book, it, shipping, and tuition is $107. Please email me before registering. .

Many readers of this blog have asked me to comment on their astrological information, and I have done so happily. You are highly encouraged to take this course. Understanding oneself through the scope of one’s chart is an ongoing and dynamic self-discovery. Take this course so that you can give that fullness to yourself.

Class size will be limited so that I can work with everyone’s chart and course work. Please register now; the class is already half full.

Registration/tuition: The Planets as Esoteric Rulers and what the reveal in your chart