The Sun and Mercury in The Bull (Taurus) astronomically

While humanity is in these decades of correcting paradigms, I find myself straddling regarding astrology. The Master DK is very clear that the astrological placement of planets in the constellations is usually incorrect. In A Treatise on White Magic, pg. 437 he states, “The Sun is not really in Leo, for instance, during the month of August.” So, before engaging a Gemini series leading up to the Full Moon, let’s look at the planets astronomically.

May 24, 2015 stellarium

Orienting to the Stellarium shot* (double click to enlarge), begin at the bottom right. There we find the Sun, Mercury, and Mars in The Bull (Taurus). Sweeping left, we next see Venus in  The Twins (Gemini), Jupiter in The Crab (Cancer), and today the Moon in the paw of The Lion (Leo). Continuing to the far upper left, we find Saturn in The Scales (Libra). These are the inner planets.

I barely know the Stellarium software (free by the way), and do not know how to have it show the outer planets. However, one can search for their locations and it points out Uranus in The Fishes (Pisces), Neptune in The Water Bearer (Aquarius), and Pluto in The Archer (Sagittarius). The astronomical location of the planets is what it is, and has to be unquestioned. The play of astrological positions being other than the astronomical is a primary reason why science has not given astrology any credence for centuries. How can it when the location of the planets is a fabrication? And, clearly, that was not always the case. Great thinkers, who also were great scientists, mathematicians, alchemists, or philosophers, included astrology among their lenses for understanding the laws of Life and how to live according to higher laws. At some point (and I don’t know the history), that changed. But that was after Newton and Goethe, because they were two geniuses who included astronomically based astrology in their contemplations of life.

* Stellarium is a free shareware available to anyone. Check the web.