A Journey Within: 14

mom and babyOur body is designed to perform miracles: the miracle of birth, healing, producing sustenance for our young, and the miracles of helping and caring. Our body, like other nature-based forms such as trees and animals, is designed to thrive until it no longer can. Then an equally natural process begins: the breaking down of the form. When left to its own design, given what it needs and not much more, left unpolluted and unpoisoned, our body will live happily and healthily for many decades.

There are many reasons why anyone experiences illness or disease. The majority have to do with experimentation upon populations, some as widespread as air or water pollution, others more circumscribed like nuclear fall-out from test sites or reactor malfunctions. Fluoridation and aluminum pans rank up there with mosquito spray for widespread untold effects. Now we have the specter of genetically modified food unlabled and therefore unknown being sold at profit margin to an unaware public.

In addition to the human made sources of physical affliction we must add the evolutionary factors of karma and energetics. The energies of arising and changing consciousness will report in our body that they have not been noticed in mind, emotions, or awareness. Energies move through our body even if we don’t understand energetics. For example, from an energy-consciousness point of view, many heart-conditions are fueled by the energy of the heart chakra as it pulses the vibration of “have a wider concern,” “be gentle and kind,” “don’t give in to separatism or selfishness” through the person. One hears these thoughts in one’s conscience, is aware of the “right thing to do,” but if one consistently choses selfishness or small mindedness, then the heart will engineer a wake up call. If Western medicine considered this component of health and well-being, true cures of the soul would be possible. But alas.

As stated in Journey 1, the initial impetus to going on sabbatical-meditation isolation was because the Multiple Sclerosis in my body has recently caused more disability. I needed to get away to sort out feelings and get used to this new level of disability. That the goodness of meditation, insight, and a book might come from this time are held in the energy of prayer and aspiration.

I write this post for everyone. Most people take better care of their car than their body. It can only be healthy if you help it. It can only help you if you help it. Mother Nature and all her natural resources has served our bodies since time began. Return to Nature. Return to well-being.

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