Poison: if approved 26 million pounds annually will increase to 176 million pounds annually

ACTION ALERT from Organic Consumers Association

Deadline Midnight Tonight!

Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) signaled it will approve Dow’s new Enlist-brand corn and soy crops, genetically engineered to resist massive doses of 2,4-D.

You remember 2,4-D. It’s one of the ingredients in Agent Orange, the Vietnam-era herbicide responsible for severe illnesses in hundreds of thousands of people directly exposed to it, and also in their offspring and future generations.

The USDA admits to concerns that if the new crops are approved, the annual use of 2,4-D would jump from 26 million pounds to 176 million pounds. (Independent scientists predict the increase would be even more dramatic.)

But hey, it’s not their problem. According to the agency, it’s responsible only for approving the genetically engineered seeds, not the new formulation of 2,4-D herbicide that will be used on the crops. So the USDA is passing the buck to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which it says is responsible for approving the new formulation of 2,4-D herbicide that will be used on Dow’s Agent Orange crops.

Deadline Midnight Tonight: Tell the EPA, Don’t Approve More Cancer-Causing Agent Orange Herbicide!

Photo Credit: tpmartins via Compfight cc

About Donna Mitchell-Moniak

Visit www.blazinglight.net for additional meditations and blog posts.
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2 Responses to Poison: if approved 26 million pounds annually will increase to 176 million pounds annually

  1. maureen says:

    Petition signed! thank you for the alert! Do the people on the EPA NOT have children? grandchildren?!

    • Yes, one wonders how mindlessness and utter disregard for life, health, well-being, and ethical decency has become the norm and the institutionalized? And how our tax dollars have been subverted to such things as creating killing fields of every kind. Stay informed as a citizen. Take action whenever possible.

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